Nursing Services
Laurel School District employs registered nurses who provide care to the five schools in the district. Our services include medication administration, providing education for staff and students, immunization tracking, managing individual health care plans and emergency care plans, assessing students with illnesses and injuries, providing interventions for illness and injury, providing specialized care for students with different health care conditions, managing field trip preparation for students with health care needs, and more.
All students with a documented medical condition that requires care in the school setting, an emergency/rescue medication, or a medication (prescription or non-prescription) that is stored in the office and is administered in the school with staff supervision must have paperwork updated annually that is signed by both the physician and the parent/guardian.
Please navigate to the tabs in this web page to find the medical forms appropriate for your child’s needs. Please print and fill out these forms completely, ensuring that a physician signature is included when applicable. If your child no longer has a medical need that was documented in Infinite Campus in past years, please let us know so we can update their files. All medical forms must be renewed and resubmitted annually.
Completed medical forms can be faxed to your child’s school, returned or faxed (406-628-3375) to the administration building (410 Colorado Ave.), or taken to your child’s school secretary or school nurse.
Please contact nursing staff with any questions or concerns,
Laurel Public School District Nursing Staff