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Laurel Public Schools

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Dedicated to the individual development of each student, every day, without exception

Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

Mrs. Wetsch
Charla Wetsch
Director of Curriculum and Assessment


Welcome to the Curriculum and Instruction department where student learning is our passion!  We believe in Laurel teachers and leaders. We believe in the potential of all students.  We believe that through collaboration, use of current and relevant data, and active reflection of our practices, we can improve student learning.

Please feel free to contact our Director, Charla Wetsch, at any time with questions, needs, or ways that we can better support your student. 


Click here to see our Curriculum Teams Work Sessions Schedule


Laurel Public Schools offer a comprehensive K-12 curriculum incorporating all content and performance standards in compliance with Montana Standards of Accreditation. In accordance with ARM 10.55.602, the District has an established curriculum and assessment development process which reviews curricula in all subject areas at intervals not exceeding five years. 


State approved standards and Board approved curriculum documents provide the roadmap describing what students will learn, while the yearlong context maps serve as implementation documents to prescribe how the students will learn.  The yearlong context maps vary in style and complexity, but for most teachers, these instructional tools provide pacing guidance, vocabulary emphasis,key skills and concepts for learning, and essential knowledge expectations.  They help teachers fulfill the promise to parents and students that students are studying the state approved curriculum.


In conjunction with implementation, assessment provides meaningful data regarding student achievement using multiple measures.  Laurel Public Schools uses a wide variety of assessments to inform our public.  Teachers use multiple measures within their classroom to insure learning, provide information to teachers, administrators, and parents regarding how well the students have learned the approved curriculum.  Laurel utilizes Standardized tests such as the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress  (MAP) and Childrens Progress and Academic Assessment (CPAA) and the state mandated Criterion-Referenced Tests. They provide valid and reliable data which inform decisions regarding curriculum and instructional changes.